The easiest way to save money when travelling abroad

There is one simple thing you can do to save while travelling that won’t result in you sacrificing comfort or experiences.

ways to save money when travelling

Travelling abroad can be expensive. It makes sense to save, be frugal and to double-, no, triple-check what the cost of food, activities, transport and accommodation will be to create a realistic travel budget.

Transport, accommodation and food tend to make up the largest part of anyone’s travel budget. A less obvious expense however, and one that can catch you completely unaware, is bank fees. Unless you have the best credit card to travel with.

Most banks charge currency conversion fees that are disclosed (somewhere) in the terms and conditions. Card swipes can quickly add up when you are charged a percentage of every swipe in transaction fees during your international holiday. Using your card abroad for a single R2 000 payment, for example, can cost you upwards of R40.

These seemingly insignificant costs can run into hundreds, even thousands, of rands. An amount that will come as an unpleasant surprise when you get your bank statement after you’ve returned home. How can you ensure that such hidden costs don’t make you go over budget?


Choose the best card to use abroad

You shouldn’t have to compromise on the quality of your travel experience because of bank fees. It is already expensive to travel, there is no reason you should be paying the bank to spend your money in another country.

That’s why our credit card has no currency conversion fees.

That’s zero fees, worldwide. All you have to do is select the option to pay in the local currency when you use your card.

The Capitec credit card benefits also include free basic international travel insurance to save you a few extra hundred rands, as well as special travel offers.

You can pay with your Capitec credit card wherever you see the Mastercard® sign. There are no purchase or currency conversion fees on international transactions or cash withdrawals. So no nasty surprises when you return from your trip.


Simplify credit

The interest rate of our Capitec credit card is personalised according to your credit profile. You will also earn interest on a positive balance and pay zero interest as long as you settle the outstanding balance before the end of the 55-day interest-free period.

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